RIBOSOMES 5 Sep,2020 By Er. Anoop Dhiman3 Comments RIBOSOMES Ribosomes are tiny dot like structures made up of RNA and Protein.Ribosomes are also known as protein factory of the cell.They remain spread inside the cytoplasm and on the surface of rough ER.They do not have any cell membrane over it.Ribosomes are the protein builders or the protein synthesizers of the cell.They are present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. FUNCTIONS OF RIBOSOMES They help in the synthesis of protein.They connect amino acid to form proteins that are essential to carry many cell activities. QUESTIONS FOR SELF EVALUATION Name a cell organelle which does not have any membrane around it.What is the main function of ribosomes.Ribosomes are also known as …………….?Ribosomes are present in ……………. cells as well as in …………………cells. Please give valuable review in the comment box..... HAVE A GOOD DAY